After careful consideration, we have decided to discontinue the platform. It will no longer be available after 30th June 2024.

Using the Web Site

  • Website will work best with the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer 11 or later. Earlier versions of Internet Explorer are not supported.
  • It is designed for viewing at 1024*768 or greater resolution.
  • Your browser must have JavaScript and cookies enabled. You must give the site appropriate security permissions.

Not Registered Yet?

  • If you are not registered please click the Register link and complete the application form.
  • You can join as an individual grower, or an adviser.
  • You can access the site for free. With no time limit.

Forgotten Your Password?

  • Entering an incorrect password more than 6 times will lock out your account. You will need to wait 10 minutes before trying again if that happens or contact us.
  • If you have forgotten your user name or password, use the Account Recovery page to recover it.

Login to Productionwise

  • Please enter your user name and password.
  • Your password is case sensitive.